How to Motivate and Retain Clinical Research Staff

Takisha Adair, Clinical Operations Manager, Covance

Abstract: Retaining staff is challenging for clinical research organizations. Motivating employees and engagement can help reduce staff turnover. Organizational leaders who desire to retain a talented workforce should tap into employee motivations and identify ways to incorporate these, where applicable, in employee retention efforts. This article highlights the key elements to motivate and engage research staff, especially millennials. Strategies that have worked well are highlighted from leading generational and change management experts.

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Utilization of Cancer Registrars in Clinical Research

Rossio Y. Rodriquez, HIM, CTR 
Director, Data Management 
Proton Collaborative Group

What is a Cancer Registrar?

A cancer registry is the information system designed for the collection, management, and analysis of data on a person’s diagnosis that contains etiology, diagnosis, treatment of cancer, and patient’s status for as long as the patient is alive. The information in the registry is entered by a cancer registrar.

The men and women in this job role are very dedicated, detail oriented, and passionate about their oncology role.  They utilize many skills in their everyday tasks. However, one important skill that cancer registrars use the most is critical thinking. This is vital when reviewing a patient’s medical chart and putting together their cancer history into one abstract that is later used for cancer statistics. The role of the cancer registrar has a tendency to be overlooked as they are not in the frontline when it comes to the patient’s cancer care.   

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Electronic Clinical Trial Management Systems: The Basics, Needs, and Outputs

Michael Wieczerzak
Associate Director, Clinical Quality Management, EMD Serono

Abstract: Sponsors and contract research organizations should be using electronic clinical trial management systems to efficiently oversee their trials. This article describes the basic structure of clinical trial management systems and the need for these systems. Benefits of using an integrated clinical trial management system are highlighted, including the ability to link to other systems, running reports, and outputs such as executive management reporting dashboards, listings, and merged datasets. Requirements for compliance with 21 CFR Part 11 are described.

Disclosure: The author is not writing this article on behalf of his employer.

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Using Workflow Mapping to Improve the Recruitment Process in Clinical Trials

(Originally presented abstract at 2019 Annual Conference San Antonio)
Sara Sampaio MD, CCRP,*, Sepideh Saroukhani MD, MS, PhD candidate, Aryn Knight BS, CCRP, Jennifer L. Chambers RN, BSN, CCRC,
Emerson C. Perin MD, PhD, FA


In this article, we describe the strategies and approaches developed at the Center for Clinical Research at Texas Heart Institute (THI) in Houston, Texas, to facilitate efficient participant recruitment for heart failure–related randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Randomized trials are typically complex in terms of the target population, protocol design, and intervention strategies — factors that can hinder the recruitment of a sufficient number of eligible participants. Thus, detailed upstream planning is crucial to guide recruitment efforts — especially in trials that focus on serious medical conditions such as heart failure — and a trained recruitment team is needed to execute protocol-specified tasks. Despite extensive literature on strategies for enhancing participant recruitment in research, little has been reported about the actual activities and experiences associated with recruitment and about the impact of organizational strategies on this work.

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Introducing Generation Z: Who Are They and How Will They Impact the Clinical Research Workplace?

Barbara van der Schalie, MS
Learning and Professional Development Manager  
Clinical Monitoring Research Program Directorate
Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, Sponsored by the National Cancer Institute

Abstract: Generation Z, the postmillennials, are the latest addition to the extremely generationally-diverse American clinical research workplace. Their preferences for critical workplace parameters, including workplace engagement, communication, leadership approaches, and flexibility, differentiate them from even their most closely age-aligned colleagues, the millennials. This article describes the differences between and preferences of the generation and provides ways to optimize the integration of Generation Z into the current clinical research workplace.

Disclaimer: This project has been funded in whole or in part with federal funds from the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, under Contract No. HHSN261200800001E. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

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Project Management: Introduction to Tools and Templates

By: Melissa Harris, MPA, CCRP
Director of Interventional Resources & Clinical Trials Unit
Pennington Biomedical Research Center at LSU

Abstract: Project management involves many complex components and moving parts. Prior to initiating a clinical trial, various types of project tools and templates can be used to successfully plan and execute a clinical trial. This article highlights tools that are readily available for project management, including Microsoft Excel, Access, Visio, Outlook, and SharePoint, as well as Web-based applications. Monitoring progress through various tracking mechanisms ensures successful clinical trial execution from recruitment through retention and follow-up.

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Budget Development and Negotiation for Investigative Sites

Budget Development and Negotiation for Investigative Sites

Author: Anna K. Rockich, MS, Pharm D, Director, General Surgery Research Program, University of Kentucky Medical Center

Abstract: Effective budget development and negotiation is critical for investigative sites. This article provides an overview of budget requirements for the conduct of a study, identifies common mistakes in developing budgets, and highlights how to effectively develop the budget and negotiate with the sponsor. Tools to assist in managing the budget on a daily basis are provided.

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Mobile Medical Devices

Mobile Medical Devices

By: Jonathan C. Young, PhD, MS, CIP, CCRP Senior Research Regulatory Operations Analyst Rush University Medical Center

Abstract: The use of mobile medical devices in clinical research is increasing significantly. This article provides an overview of regulations and guidance related to mobile medical devices including mobile apps. Possible risks and controversy that may arise from the use of mobile medical devices and how to improve submissions to institutional review boards for research involving mobile medical devices are also discussed. Examples of institutional review board review of real studies involving mobile medical devices at Rush University Medical Center are provided.

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Improving Communication in Clinical Research

Improving Communication in Clinical Research
By: Anatoly Gorkun, MD, PhD, Chartered MCIPD
            Senior Manager, Global Clinical Development, PPD UK

Abstract: Effective communication skills in clinical research are vitally important. Due to many conflicting priorities however, clinical research professionals may not have time to manage soft skills. This increases the danger that something may go wrong. This article highlights real-life clinical research examples where communication problems affected deliverables or compliance. The principles of effective communication styles are discussed.

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Clinical Research Studies During the COVID-19 Pandemic Public Health Emergency

Corona Virus Molecule Rendering Public Health Crisis

Defining a “New Normal” in Clinical Research to Support the World’s 336,747 Research Studies

By: Jennifer Goldfarb – MSN, RN, CCRP

As of April 21, 2020, according to, there were 336,747 research studies registered by organizations in all 50 states and 210 countries throughout the world. Clinical Research is a delicate ecosystem within healthcare that can be easily advocated for as an essential healthcare service. It is a highly complex, intensely regulated and regimented, environment. It is a critical component of healthcare that drives scientific and medical advances to promote health and treat illness. This environment has suffered unprecedented disruption and chaos during this pandemic. While people hunker down in their homes, waiting for this storm to pass, clinical research conduct is being adapted, paused, and even discontinued, in every therapeutic area.

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